Logan County Colorado TALKING TRAIL
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Welcome to the Logan County Talking Trail!

Hello, passengers! You’ve just arrived at the Union Pacific Depot! When American author Mark Twain travelled west in the 1860s, he wrote, “...perhaps not more than ten men in America, all told, expected to live to see a railroad follow that route to the Pacific…

This sculpture titled, Exordium, was Bradford Rhea’s first marble sculpture.. Before sculpting it, Bradford went up to a symposium where he learned how to use the tools...

Welcome to the grand, historic Logan County Courthouse! As you walk in, notice the brass chandeliers, the white-porcelain tiles, and the acanthus leaves that decorate the entrance. Designed by architect John J. Huddart in 1908...

The impressive brick and limestone structure you see before you today celebrated its centennial in November 2018. However, when the Presbyterian Church was established in 1878, members gathered inside a sod schoolhouse...

The Overland Trail stretches from Atchison, Kansas to Fort Bridger, Wyoming, and if you plan on making the journey, Mark Twain has a tip for you: “Nothing helps scenery like ham and eggs.”

Between 1892 and 1923, Andrew Carnegie gave away nearly $42 million dollars in grants to build 1,689 libraries, in towns across America, thereby establishing the first public library system in the United States

Fort Wicked, formerly called Godfrey’s Ranch, was home to Holon and Matilda Godfrey’ and their children from 1860-1867. The family opened a general store that sold, amongst other things, baked goods, butter, eggs, and seasonal vegetables...

When John Wesley Iliff left Ohio in 1857, he had just $500 to his name. Upon opening a trade store in what is now Princeton, KS, that $500 became $2,000— enough money to head west to Colorado amidst the excitement of the gold rush.

William Shaw Hadfield, the first white settler in Logan County, arrived in Colorado in 1871 and acquired 160 acres of land from the Homestead Act of 1862. He built a sod house on an island he named “Sarinda”...

Summit Springs, also known as Battle Ground Springs, is the location of the climatic defeat of the Southern Cheyenne Indians by the U.S. Army in the Plains Region. What was called a "battle" occurred on July 11th, 1869...

Some, like the murals, are immediately visible. Others take a keen eye to find, like the hidden treasure that resides in what was once Shaw’s Hotel and grocery store: the studio of internationally recognized sculptor Bradford Rhea.

This sculpture is titled, Windlace, and was created in the Spring of 1987 and was dedicated to the city of Sterling by Bradford Rhea. The sculpture was commissioned by a women’s coalition group.

This sculpture by Bradford Rhea is titled, Seraphim. It was commissioned by the City of Sterling, and carved from a great big cottonwood tree. Bradford is especially grateful for the community of Sterling for preserving...

The Mascot of Northeastern Junior College, Plainsmen Pete, was commissioned by Northeastern Junior College and the associated student government in 1986!

This sculpture is titled, The Mask: It exemplifies the traditional theme of comedy and tragedy. It was originally located at the entrance of the old Oak Street Theater

T-I-G-E-R-S, Tigers! Made especially for the Sterling High School Tigers way back in 1986 Bradford Rhea. The majestic tiger is found sitting atop big S.H.S Letters with pillars at the base.

This sculpture, titled Scion, consists of several bold fearless figures representing the incredible tenacity of those surviving life on the Plains—especially during frontier days.

The sculpture before you is titled, The Dream Redeemer. It was created by Bradford Rhea and unveiled in 2007, and commissioned by the Logan County Chamber of Commerce...

Did you know that the city of Sterling has been referred to as the “City of Living Trees?” Well you do now, and this is why—Bradford Rhea’s sculptures have offered these trees the chance to live on for ages.

Welcome to Logan County Colorado! We’re glad you stopped by our beautiful little spot that we are so proud to call home! The communities of Logan County have endured a lot of changes over the years...

This sculpture, titled Minuteman, captures a revolutionary-era colonial guardsman in authentic dress and in proper stance, ready to protect his nation. This sculpture was commissioned by the Rotary Club...

This sculpture, titled the Dreamer was sculpted where else but at a park. It makes sense to us that the playful setting of a park could have contributed to this fun sculpture of a clown almost ready to float off into the clouds...

Bradford Rhea sculpted The Golfer out of a tree standing right next to the first tee. I wonder if that was more intimidating for Bradford or for the golfers? Bradford recalls...

The sculpture titled, Merino Rams was commissioned by none other than the Merino High School Rams who were building a new gymnasium at the time. They had to pull a bunch of elm trees for the new gym grounds...

Dating way back to the years 1000-1400 AD, members of the Upper Republican and Itskari cultures occupied parts of Northeast Colorado, including present day Logan County. They farmed, hunted, and fished in the South Platte River...

Of all the paths you take in life, they say it's important to make sure a few of them are made of dirt. The picturesque North Sterling State Park is centered around the 3000 acre North Sterling Reservoir, and the list of activities ensures a good time...

Robert Lynd once said, "In order to see birds, you must become part of the silence." We like this idea of becoming one with nature--if you do too, or if you're just a birding enthusiast, Logan County offers you a number of great sites to spot the next bird on your list...

Welcome to Peetz, Colorado. Originially named Mercer by the Burlington Northern Railroad when they placed a section house and depot here. The name was soon changed by one of the first settlers--Peter Peetz...

Logan County is proud of their contributions to more clean energy for the state of Colorado. Colorado has a state initiative to generate more and more clean energy every year...

“Legend has it that the rusted iron cell you see before you was once used to house prisoners that were brought in to dig out the area for the Lowline Ditch. You can imagine during long hot days, digging this ditch..."
Welcome to the Logan County, Colorado Talking Trail--proudly sponsored by the Sterling Chamber of Commerce! With the revitalization of Sterling's downtown, and surrounding communities simply amazing hometown cafe's, and rich history and arts, it is easy to get lost in all sorts of activities in the beautiful high plains of Logan County Colorado! Sterling is known as the City of Living Trees--thanks to Bradford Rhea, a renowned sculptor from nearby Merino, CO. Come explore all of Bradford Rhea's sculptures, and all of the rich history of the area along the Talking Trail, consisting of 30 Talking Points throughout the County, and experience the stories of Logan County Colorado!