Logan County Colorado TALKING TRAIL
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Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa

Horses, Guns, &
High Plains Culture
The horse has come. Almost overnight, it seems, he has captured the west; and by his coming the west has been...

Iron Alliance Buffalo Hunts
October on the northern Great Plains brings falling leaves and fattened game. As the full hunter’s moon rises over Dakota Territory, it is time, once...

The Legacy of Warrior Culture
For generations, a warrior culture has permeated Anishinaabeg legends. Defending the people has been a respectable deed from time...

Turtle Mountain
Community Gardens
In 1892, under the McCumber Agreement, the Turtle Mountain reservation was slashed to 34,000...

Post McCumber Agreement
The 1890s and early 1900s were challenging times for the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa...

McCumber Agreement
(Ten-cent Treaty)
The age of the McCumber Agreement was tremendously difficult for the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa...

Pre-McCumber Agreement
Throughout the treaty era, time and again the Indian people witnessed the inconsistent behavior of the United States government....
Reservation Challenges
and Hardships
Historically, reservation life has presented challenges and hardships, which have definitely been felt...

Turtle Mountain in the
1940s and 1950s
For decades, a common theme has been woven throughout the Turtle...

Chiefs, Chairpersons,
and Constitutions
Like every tribe and civilization before and those to come after, the history of the Turtle Mountain

Turtle Mountain Reservation Origins
With the dwindling bison population, change was inevitable for the Pembina Chippewa and their Metis...

Pre-Turtle Mountain Reservation Era
In the years preceding the establishment of the Turtle Mountain Indian Reservation

Indian Health Services Move from BIA to PHS
Since the recognition of reservations, inadequate healthcare has plagued Native Americans...

Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Today
Without a doubt, life for the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa has had its share of ups and downs...

Self-Governance Challenges and Triumphs
The 1980s brought a renewed interest in the traditional Anishinaabeg way...

The Dawn of Indian Self-Determination
The Turtle Mountain Indian Reservation looked quite different in the 1970s.

Tribal Governance under Self-Determination
For over a century, Native American tribes have weathered change.

Self-Determination and Self-Governance Era
Towards the end of the twentieth century, cultural renaissance was taking.

Relocation and
Termination Era
By the 1940s and 1950s, Native Americans had been exposed to...

Indian Boarding Schools
From the mid-17th to the early 20th centuries, American Indian boarding schools began popping up across the...
We welcome you...
The Turtle Mountain Chippewa Talking Trail was funded by the "Creating an Active America, Together effort. The Goal is to create active people, and a healthy Turtle Mountain Chippewa Tribe.
The Turtle Mountain Chippewa community is a vibrant multi-cultural community that includes traditions from the Ojibwe (Anishinaabe) people and the Metis/Cree people to create a culture that is both unique and beautifully colorful and vibrant.
The Mission of the Turtle Mountain Chippewa Indian Talking Trail is to further the efforts of the tribe to preserve, and promote the history, culture, and language of the Tribe in order to promote wellness within the community and surrounding communities by educating the public - especially the youth - of the beautiful, health, holistic, diverse and living cultures here, and how this can be used to benefit the lives of community members now, and in the generations to come.
We hope you enjoy Turtle Mountain Chippewa Talking Trail and the opportunity to learn more about the Tribe and its unique cultural heritage.
Thank you!